Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Taken With A Grain of Salt...

Every year Springfield hosts the annual Arts-Fest near the downtown area on historic Walnut Street. I love going to this. Each year I try to talk with as many photographers as possible in hopes of picking up a tidbit of information that I can apply to my own technique. Man, are there a lot of tidbits out there! By the time I leave I can honestly say that I've heard so much about digital versus film and black and white versus color and the hundreds of editing programs that are out there that I just feel like crawling back into my camera and letting the shutter fall where it may. I guess that I have my own style -to an extent anyway and maybe I'm looking too hard for concrete answers. I think that styles evolve and develop with time and of course everyone's photography is unique to themselves.
So maybe I should just relax and let it come as it may. For the most part I feel satisfied with my work and as time passes I'll get more comfortable with my style and hopefully it will be recognizable as my work.
As I was leaving the Arts Fest I came across these musicians and I stopped to watch , especially this man. As I watched him I began to think about how he had probably been playing for years and although I'm sure he enjoys listening to other fiddlers he more than likely just takes it all with a grain of salt because he knows what he likes to play and he knows how he likes to play it!

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