Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shall We Gather At The River...

Last week I attended an event that I know I'll never forget. I've mentioned once or twice about our attending the Cowboy Church and how we truly think that we've found our place to worship. The people there are probably the most sincere and genuine group of people I've ever met and I knew that the very moment I entered the building. As I've said more than once, I've found myself looking more and more for that "small town" feel - you know, the Mayberry thing and it's definitely there.
I could go on about that but it might take me away from what the big event was or maybe I should say is because it's only the beginning for some.
Last Sunday we had our baptism at the river where there were over 30 people baptized. I can't name names or show other faces because I haven't got their permission to do so (although I can tell you that that's Pastor Scotty on the left there) but one generous soul donated the use of several acres of his land (there were over 400 people in attendance) . Several individuals donated their time to get the areas in shape for company and their time to make sure that the land was left in as good of shape as it was to begin with. I believe we had 3 lines for some of the best home cookin' I've ever had the pleasure to sink my teeth into and our ears were treated to a trio of bluegrass bands that kept the toes tapping even in the chow lines.
My heart was full that day. I can't remember the last time I felt so good about the people I was with or what we were doing.
The 10:30 service we go to (hey, I like to get a chance to sleep in at least once a week!) has an excellent speaker that, along with the announcements, gives us a little food for the soul, so to speak. Each week he has a story that is guaranteed to touch your heart but the part that touches my heart the most is when he says "'re not just coming to church... you're coming home."
I believe I have...

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